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Wednesday, April 26, 2017


‘A promise must never be broken”
This statement is saying that a promise shouldn't not be followed. If you break a promise, then you have done some damage to others. In life we wonder how can we make others happy. By doing that one of those ways is by following a promise. A promise is specifically a favor that you are willing to do, and you won’t let down the person. If someone breaks a promise, then they have just let down others especially the one that wanted the person to promise his/her favor. It doesn't follow others, but it also makes you feel bad for not coming and letting others down . An example would be promising someone that you will go and do your part of a group project. You promise your group mates you will, but then you break it. Because you don't follow, everyone from the group received a fail. Not only did you mess others, but now you feel guilty for not following. That is why a promise shouldn’t be broken. Promises are delicate, where you can easily alter someone’s feelings. That is why you follow promised, and if you are simply too busy for a promise, you should inform the people that were looking forward for you to do the promise.

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