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Barca FC logo

Tuesday, April 18, 2017


“It is our duty to concentrate all our influence to make popular that which is sound and good, and unpopular that which is unsound”

This statement is saying that we should be more good and better. It is also saying that we should stop being bad and to change. In life, many people wonder how can the world be peaceful. Changing things like world hunger and corruption can, but one of those things would be our bad attitude and bad deeds. In this statement, unsound means bad, while sound means good. The statement is saying that we should be more nice and better and that we should change. In this statement popular means that it is known for everyone, so it is saying that everyone should stop being bad. It is saying  that everyone should be “popular” with the good, no the bad.  For example, imagine you were at class with a class full of people who chose the wrong. The unsound is popular in the class. To make a better class, what should be popular- would be the sound and the good.  If sound and good were popular or well known by others, then the people would follow it.

Image result for good vs badImage result for good vs bad

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