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Friday, April 28, 2017

The ten indian commandments

  1. Treat the Earth and all that dwells therein with respect
  2. 2.Remain close to the Great spirit
  3. Show great respect to your fellow beings
  4. Work together for the benefit of all mankind
  5. Give assistance and kindness wherever needed
  6. Do what you know to be right
  7. Look after the well being of mind and the body
  8. Be truthful and honest at all times
  9. Dedicate a share of your great efforts to the greater good.
  10. Take full responsibility for your actions
This statement includes 10 guidelines that makes you a good person, Native americans had to follow this in order to be considered good and to honor their name. These commandments are the characteristics a ctr person have. The commandments that are related to ctr are all of them. These commandments say that you should follow these commandments for the benefit of everyone. The first and three family talk about how respecting the earth and others is something that you should do. The 2nd mainly talks about their belief on how they should follow god. The 4 one talks about how teamwork makes goals come to life. The 5th one talks about how you should be a good person by helping others out. The 7 talks about how you should have responsibility to take care of yourself. The 9th one talks about how you should try your best. The last one has to do with your actions. You should use these every second of your life. An example would be seeing a homeless guy on the street. You have money but you are going to waste it one something else. You then have these commandment in your head and you decide to help your fellow beings by giving money to the homeless guy.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017


‘A promise must never be broken”
This statement is saying that a promise shouldn't not be followed. If you break a promise, then you have done some damage to others. In life we wonder how can we make others happy. By doing that one of those ways is by following a promise. A promise is specifically a favor that you are willing to do, and you won’t let down the person. If someone breaks a promise, then they have just let down others especially the one that wanted the person to promise his/her favor. It doesn't follow others, but it also makes you feel bad for not coming and letting others down . An example would be promising someone that you will go and do your part of a group project. You promise your group mates you will, but then you break it. Because you don't follow, everyone from the group received a fail. Not only did you mess others, but now you feel guilty for not following. That is why a promise shouldn’t be broken. Promises are delicate, where you can easily alter someone’s feelings. That is why you follow promised, and if you are simply too busy for a promise, you should inform the people that were looking forward for you to do the promise.

Orthopedic Surgeon\

Orthopedic Surgeons are people who know how to diagnose,treat, diseases and conditions from the musculoskeletal system. They treat diseases with methods like internal fixation, soft tissue repair, and more.
Salary $355,927-$585,605
To become an orthopedic surgeon you have to complete a 4 year bachelor's degree in a related area. Then you should go to medical school for 4 years. Finally they should complete a residency of 4-5 years.
There is a small demand as the career of orthopedic surgeon hasn’t increased. There will soon be a demand for this career.
I would not like to become an orthopedic surgeon because I think that it takes a lot of time to become one. I also think that this job wouldn’t fit me as doing operations isn’t my thing.

Monday, April 24, 2017

“Goddess is the only investment that never fails”

This statement is saying that out of all investment, doing happiness is the best one. This statement makes sense as goodness does invest itself. In life we may invest in a lot of things like invest in a lot of things. Investment usually means to save things now in order to receive more in the future. Investments can usually fail. Many companies have started with investment. Investments like as in money is very complex, but the one that won't put you down would be goodness. It won’t fail as because goodness isn’t like money where it can be used to try to make profit. You also benefit more if you invest in goodness because you will spread that goodness to others. An example would be going to the park and finding a homeless guy. You have 100 dollars, but you really want to buy somethings else. But you don’t want to see the homeless guy lying at the floor. So you decide to give your money to the homeless guy.

Orthodontists are people who specialize in dentistry. They treat teeth that are in wrong position and help them to go straight.

Salary: $109,923-$162,235
Education: To become an ornithologist you have to get an undergraduates degree for 4 years. Then you have to go to a dentist school. Then you should be certified to become one.
There is no demand for this profession as it is one of the most growing carers than any other.  
I would like to become one because I think that the requirements to become one require little years. I also think that it would be a good job that would fit me.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

“My basic principle  is that you don’t make decisions because they are easy, you don’t make them because they are cheap, you don’t make them because they are popular, you make them because they are right”

This statement means that you should only decide decisions if they are right. In life we wonder what are the decisions we can make. We may want to do popular and dangerous decisions. If you do those, you have done a bad decision, and the reason for the bad decisions would be for showing off to others, and for trying to show you are mature to do the bad. In reality, you should just do the correct decision. If you do the right decision, you won’t have to worry about any consequences and you will not suffer if you mess up. If you do any popular, easy, cheap or any other decisions, you should do it because you might regret it. If those decisions are correct, then you should do them. Popularity doesn't overdo the terribleness of something. Just because someone does it doesn’t mean you should. For example, imagine your friend wanted you to smoke weed with him/her with some other friends. Even if many people smoke weed, you shouldn't smoke weed because it is simply bad for you. If you chose the wrong decision, you have just played yourself, because this can influence others, like family members and other people. If the decision is right, do it.

Optometry Technician or Assistant

Optometrist technicians are people who work in eye examination and any treatment. They also help out optometrist in their duties.

Salary $20269-$34832
Education:To become a optometric technician, you have to go through a training program for 2 years. You can try get an associates degree in optometry technician.
There is a huge increase of 23% employment of optometry technician, so there isn’t a demand for it.  

I would like to become an optometry technician because I think that it is a simple job. I think that it has a good salary.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017


“It is our duty to concentrate all our influence to make popular that which is sound and good, and unpopular that which is unsound”

This statement is saying that we should be more good and better. It is also saying that we should stop being bad and to change. In life, many people wonder how can the world be peaceful. Changing things like world hunger and corruption can, but one of those things would be our bad attitude and bad deeds. In this statement, unsound means bad, while sound means good. The statement is saying that we should be more nice and better and that we should change. In this statement popular means that it is known for everyone, so it is saying that everyone should stop being bad. It is saying  that everyone should be “popular” with the good, no the bad.  For example, imagine you were at class with a class full of people who chose the wrong. The unsound is popular in the class. To make a better class, what should be popular- would be the sound and the good.  If sound and good were popular or well known by others, then the people would follow it.

Image result for good vs badImage result for good vs bad
School Break Day

Throughout the school break, I did some things that were very perk, but I most of the things I did weren’t. I slept didi homework, played video games and other things like playing soccer outside my house. I went to 2 parties, each one each saturday. I went to church and my church classes every sunday, and I celebrated the holy days.  I didn't meet anyone new, but I was able to talk to some family members I haven’t seen since a long time.  I went to the park and I played soccer with some friends on the last day of school break. I also watched the soccer from the Liga Mx. I didn’t read any books, except a section of the bible during church school. I did watch some movies, like the new movie from Triple x. In the school break, I did ctr actions, by helping with the many chores around the house. I only got hw from my Geometry class. I had to do 2 ixl set of problems, and had to do sohcahtoa math problems. I think that my vacations went to fast, but at the same time, I thought it would be better that the excitations ended because I felt like I was bored. During the vacations, I mostly spent indoors either watching t.v, playing video games, or doing hw.

Friday, April 7, 2017

“I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I must stand with anybody that stands right, and stand with him while he is right and part with him when he goes wrong”

This statement is from Abraham Lincoln, and the statement has a meaning of honesty. It is saying that the point of something is not to succeed but how you were honest. The statement also means that supporting others that follow to be truth should be helped when in trouble. In life we think succeeding is good in a way. Reaching there or not is not what matters, but how honest and true you were. For example, a student had to do a final for one of the classes. The student decided to cheat and got an A. That was bad part of the student because the student wasn’t true. It would have been better if the student failed without not being honest. Even if the student failed or not, it doesn’t matter, as long as the student was true and honest. Also in life, we wonder who we should we go along with. The answer to that are people who don’t mind losing or winning, but being true. If they mess up, you should pick him up and help them to continue going in the correct way. It also means that you should be yourself and not be someone else.


Optometrist are health professionals that examine and treat your eyes if they have any conditions or disorder. They do manty examines and prescribe any medication that you need for any condition.

Salary $103207-$129159
Education:To become an optometrist, you have to first bet a bachelor's degree in chemistry or biology. Then you need to complete an optometry program for 4 years. Then you need to complete a residency.
There is a demand for optometrist as it takes years to become one.

I would like to become one because I think that it is a good profession that I might give it a try for. Although I really am not into the study of the eyes,. I feel that it would be a good profession.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

“Character is higher than intellect “
By Ralph Waldo Emerson

This statement is saying that having character is more important than intellect, or having intelligence. Having character is important as it defines find who you are. It is more important than intellect as it can be more influential in more things than intellect. Although intellect is also important, it doesn’t have a bigger effect in others than character . For example, a kid has good soccer skills, but not a good character. The student never passed the soccer ball to others in game, which lead to team failure. If the player had a good character, he wouldn’t be selfish and would pass the ball to others. Then the team would win if the player were to change his character. Character can change things that intellect can’t, like how character can change someone's mood but intellect can’t. . If you are intelligent, then you know what you are doing. but if you have a bad character, then you might not be intelligent enough to realize that character does affect. You. Having a good character can make society a better place, as the good character can spread to others. Intellect however, can’t be simply spread to others, and can not change the feeling of others  

Monday, April 3, 2017

“I trust that my  hard work  will pay off”
By Tyler Haws

This statement was from a good basketball player that worked hard to become the best. This statement tis saying that working does have an improving effect. In the statement, paying off means that you will improve.  In life, we always want to accomplish goal, which many of the goals can be ridiculous, or dumb,. Even if the goals are dumb or ridiculous, you can accomplish them by working hard. Many people think about accomplishing the goals, but in order to do so, instead of thinking, you can simply work for it. Working will pay as you are trying to do an advancement in order to succeed. It is also shoing that you are trying to put a part towards success. An example would be me ( no joke).  I had a few Bs in my 10 week  report card, but I wanted to improve. I remember that I never studied before test, but I would get an average score. I decided to change that by studying, and putting more effort in order to succeed. When the final report card came, I had all As. So working hard truly pays off in the amount and time you put into something. Without putting time and work into something, you will not improve, and may not accomplish a goal. Goals are earned through hard work, not simply by thinking.