Mexico: English teacher-This job is a good career in Mexico because they have a high payment per hour. It would be best if you work in Mexico D.F because there is a lot of employment for foreign speakers. You can also become an electronic engineers, and it is a good job because it is very good payment per hour. France: Artist- In france, there is many opportunities to become an artist. It is a good opportunity because drawing and painting is something many people from France enjoy. And it has an above average payment. Technician- In France, there is opportunities to become a technician. It is a good job because it has a pretty high payment per hour. Russia: Teacher(any)_ It doesn’t matter if you become an english,science, math, etc, teacher, you will earn good salary. Reflection: I would like to become a english teacher in Mexico. They pay very well if you teach any foreign language in Mexico City. I would work because they pay very well, and there’s many job opportunities to become a foreign language teacher.
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