Columbus day is a holiday celebrated on October 10th. It celebrates the day Columbus discovered the Americas at the time of October 10,1492. It called differently in different countries, like for example, Uruguay calls the holiday “Dia de las Americas” Columbus was an italian explorer. Even though he wasn’t the first european to go to the Americas because the vikings visited the americas at the 11 century, his discovery lead to the beginning of colonization of the Americas. Columbus accidentally discovered America because he tried to find the easiest way to go from Europe to Asia. He first discovered the Bahamas, and parts of Cuba . He had a total of four voyages to the new world, and the discovery of new lands spread rapidly throughout Europe. That's when many European countries conquered the new world. The history of countries like United States would have never happened if Columbus never accidentally discovered the Americas. That’s why we celebrate Columbus Day.
I think it was amazing due to the discovery of the Americas. Imagine being on that time, and new lands were discovered. It lead to a time of exploration.
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