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Monday, May 22, 2017

Choose any topic of your choice
The topic I chose was biology
I chose this topic because I feel that biology is something that would fit me as a career and that biology is something very amazing. Also i chose this topic because it is somewhat simple to write on. The topic of biology is about the study of living organisms. In biology, they cover everything on living things like how a living thing survive and their origins. They cover everything from living things. They cover a diverse areas of biology, like environmental biology to cell biology. Specifically there is a study of different parts of biology, like cell biology, and animal biology. Honestly biology is one of the many things that fascinates me. Biology is so diverse, where each topic of it connects to the rest. Biology is a major part of science, along with physics and chemistry. Those topics are related in someway, which makes me inserted in not only biology, but also in science itself. Biology involves everything about living things. Learning about living things is important because it can help us as this can help us fight off diseases, and learn about the many intelligent mechanisms other organism use. There is cell biology, evolution, environment, and anatomy. These are very interesting topics. These are the many things about biology to understand about living organism. Biology covers the many things that science itself covers. In cell biology, the study is about how cells survive and manage. In evolution, they talk about the origin of the many organism living today and how they changed. Environment biology is studying how different living organism manage in a variety of habitats.Anatomy finally talks the insides of organisms and how their insides function.

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