Today is valentine's day, where people show love to others. Valentine’s day has a history. Though there is a lot of stories and legends that go to the origin of Valentine’s day. One of them is a legend of a guy named valentine who was a priest of the third century. In the 3rd century, Emperor Claudius had gave an order that soldiers were better off being single than being married. He gave an order where young men couldn't get married. Valentine thought that that was very dumb and unfair order so he began to disobey the order. He performed marriages to young people even though it was illegal to do so. When the emperor found out, he ordered for Valentine to get killed. As he was going to get killed, a man named Asterius wanted Saint Valentine to pray for her blind daughter. The daughter of Asterios was able to see after that, and then Valentine gave a card to the daughter that said “from your valentine.” Sadly after that Valentine was killed. There is other origins of this as there were other two Valentine Saints. There were several legends about Saint Valentine's, but historians don’t know which one is the origin of Valentine's day. Also little is known about these Saint Valentines. Another origin is that valentine's day originated from a guy named Chaucer. He made Valentine's day be connected with romance by writing a poem towards the relationship of Anne of Bohemia and Richard ll. Chaucer linked Valentine’s day with the relationship of the two royalties. The name of his poem is called “The Parliament of the Fowls” The origin of the may not be exactly known, because the history of Valentine's day has many confusion and little information. Though even though these legends of Saint Valentine can be false, today we celebrate a day known as Valentine day, where couples celebrate their love
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