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Thursday, September 29, 2016
" Every good decision makes a good future" comes from me( I created this SSS). It means that every little decision you make that is good, will have a good outcome and reward. This applies to everyone in many ways. An example would be a high school student who fails his classes because he never cared about school. One day he changed his mind and decided to do good at school. One day he got requested to a good university. Though, this also means that if you do bad decisions, you'l pay for the consequences. So if the high school student continued to mess up at school, he wouldn't have graduated and probably drop out of high school. So the thing is that every decision has it's own reward or consequence, depending on what you chose. By simply doing that huge, or minor, correct decision, you'll also be proud of yourself.
The ear nose throat doctor or otolarynologist are physicians that treat any conditions or disorders from the throat, nose, and/or the ear. In the ears, the physicians can treat many disorders like hearing loss and disorders from the inner and outer ear. They also treat throat disorders like difficult swallowing. They also treat nose problems. Salary $291,943-$400,295 Education: First go to a medical school and get good grades and pass the medical exam. Next you take otolaryngology in the last two years. You are next suppose to enter to a residency program from otolaryngology. You are suppose to be licensed to become one. There has been an increase of the nose ear throat doctors, and a small demand for the doctors.
I would not like to become a nose ear and throat doctor because it seems that you need a lot of learning to learn about the nose, throat and the ears. It also takes a lot of experience to officially become one.
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
"Obedience is the central to becoming, being,and remaining happy" makes sense in many ways. Obideince means to liten to orders, and doing so means doing the right. Doing the righht makes you fell good because you did something good. Out of all the good things you can do, obidence is the m,ain one. Being honest is a good action, but doesn't mean felicity. You can be generous, which m,akes you fell good, but not always. Obidence is the main one because it remains happyness when you do it. An example would be a middle school student who is honest, but is obident to his teahcer. He did a bad action, and the teacher asked who did the bad action. The kid said it was him. The next day he decided to change and to be obident, and doing so made hinm feel good. Obidence makes happinessbecause it causes good. If you are obident, you get a good grade for a class.
All services of LAUSD are: code of conuct with students,school menus, athletics, beyond the bell(before school program, after school program, musical and arts partnerships), transportation, student health and human services, LGBTQ. school saftey, and summer school. In my opinion the LAUSD services are great and benificial to students in many ways, like saftey and education. Starting with school menus, LAUSD provides food and breakfast to students at school. I'd say LAUSD understands that we need energy for school, but sometimes the food they give out is horrible. Another LAUSD service would be transportation. Transportation provided to students ensures a safe ride to school, which I say is wonderful. There is also beyond the bell services. This provides extra activities and learning to students with programs, like summer school.
Friday, September 23, 2016
"Choosing the Right is Always the Right thing " makes sense by many reasons. In life we face decisions that each have it's own consequence and effect.If you had the desision to smoke a ciggerate with afriend, you have two decisiion. If you smopke you will riun your future and health. If you choose the right, then you did the greatest desision. Chossing the right means a lot in many eways. You can choose the right by being honest. Imagine someone broke a law, and the police were looking for the culprit, the person would lie and be dishonest. Someone else can pay for the price instead of the culprit. Chossing the wrong can lead to consequences. Chossing the right can lead to succes in life.
Dermatologist are people who can treat the skin, hair, nails. They can treat many diseases, like skin cancer, hair problems and more. They are specialist also on treating skin and facial skin, acne, like pots of aging, and removal of skin cancer. SALARY $81,972-$315,780 Education` To become a dermatologist, you first have to earn your bachelor's degree. Next you have to go attend to a medical school, to become a medical doctor or an osteopathic doctor. Go get an internship for one year. Finally you will have to go to a dermatologist school for 3 years. Even though there is a growing number of dermatologist, there is a demand for the
m. Reflection. I would not like to become one because it requires identifying things. Like if there were a mole in a patient, I would say it were skin cancer, but it would simply be a mole.
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
"What you are as a person is far more important than what you are as a basketball player" really means a lot. This quote came from a famous basket ball player from UCLA. It means that it's more important to become a good person than your talent. You can be the most talented person in any sport/hobby, and be a bad person. Being a good person means someone who makes good choices. This would be important in a team because being a good person means making good choices. Being someone helps you define you. Many famous people for example example have good talents. Talent like signing or acting make them famous, but they aren't good with there personality. Many famous people would ignore, offend and even do bad actions(like throwing microphones to the ground) from new reporter and fans. This comes to show that they have no good personality, but good talents. This example totally matches the quote. That's why it's important to remember that you should respect others.
Example of someone who has talents but no good personality. Cristiano Ronaldo in this instance throwing the microphone of the news reporter to the lake.
I would like to become a marine biologist. A marine biologist is a person who studies organisms who live in the ocean. They learn and study many creatures, like the sharks and plankton. They are specialist in curtain thing, like some biologist study about the deep parts of ocean, while other biologist study ecosystems. They also do experiments and tag animals to collect data. Salary $39,700-$124,680 Education To become a marine biologist you are suppose to first get in bachelor's degree. You are then required to go get a master’s degree program and earn a master’s degree. There are some schools that have programs where you could get both master's and bachelor’s degree. Finally you are suppose to get a Ph.d. in marine biology. There is a lot of competition to become a marine biologist, and the number of marine biologist is slowly growing. So there is a demand for marine biologis
t. Reflection: I would like to become a marine biologist because I like biology and the study of the ocean. The ocean is filled with wonders to explore and to discover. Studying about the life in the ocean would be awesome.
Monday, September 19, 2016
"True wealth is of the heart, not of the purse" really needs thinking to get it's true meaning. It means that to have real wealth, you are suppose to have love/respect, not a lot of money. The majority of the people in the world would say that wealth means to have a lot of money. That is completely false because it all counts n your heart. An example would'd be a rich man, who has hundreds of millions of dollars, but he isn't truly wealthy. Most people would say I am wrong, but it's true because that man may not be caring and may not be full of love. Someone could be very poor, and be fully wealthy because they have wealth in their hearts. Many people are full of wealth because they are caring towards people, which may indicate that your a good person. Being a good person means that you have love towards others. This quote written by Pathros makes sense and involves thinking too.
Dentist assistance are people who help the surgeon/dentist by helping patients with their medicine, giving many directions to the patient, and gets informed by the patient of their habits/what they eat. Before an operation, the dentist assistant can give treatment(like anesthesia). They also help with the dentist with their tools and instruments. Salary $22,207- $43,631 EDUCATION It is pretty simple to become a dentist assistant and fast. There is not an actual education requirement list to become one(for some states), though there is programs for 1-2 years for dentist assistants.. In some states, it is mandatory to become licensed in order to get the job, in which you have to pass an exam.There isn’t a demand for dental assistants because it you can become a dentist assistant easily and it’s one of the most fastest jobs to get in the medical area.
Reflection: I would like to become one because it is simple to become one. Also, you have to basically manage the tools, and get information from the patient about their history of eating.
Thursday, September 15, 2016
"You cannot do wrong and feel good. It's impossible" means that every bad action you do, you'll never feel good. It is true because we know that we chose the wrong so, we feel wrong,. So trying to feel that you did something good wouldn't work. It's our feelings. Imagine you badly injured someone on purpose. You just wanted to get that person with prank, which badly goes wrong. In that prank you were suppose to drop ice and water from a huge bucket from the roof of the house onto that person. Now that person is injured. You have two decision, help that person and pay for the consequences, or leave him to possibly let that person die. You decide to leave that person in the ground. That action would simply haunt you for the rest of your life. So what ever you do, by doing something wrong, you'll never feel good.
A chiropractor is a professional on treating disorders from the neuromuscular system like the spine. They are responsible of treating the spinal cords(mainly) pain or to treat any disorders without using any surgery. After the procedures, the body will heal itself. They use the chiropractic theory By doing some procedures, they can do move ability between the muscles Salary $35,238-$115,650 Education To become a chiropractor you have to a bachelor's degree in doctor in chiropractic. They must then attend to a chiropractic college to get D.C degree. You then must pass a certification exam in order to get licensed and be able to become a chiropractor. The number of chiropractors has increased significantly, but there is a demand for chiropractors because health care is increasing in demand.
Reflection: I would not like to become one because it takes a lot of practice to know how to treat certain cases. I think that the salary is a little for so many years of practicing chiropractic.
Dentist are surgeons that diagnose, helps prevent, and treat any conditions from the mouth, mostly the health of teeth. They treat many conditions, like cavities. They just don’t treat any disease or condition, but also the health of the teeth, like applying braces to people who have messed up teeth. Usually in a visit to the dentist they try to diagnose any conditions, and they clean your teeth. Though if they do find a condition, they usually treat it with a surgery, like taking a loose tooth, or taking out the wisdom teeth. Salary:$75,314-$233,673 Education: To become a dentist, you first have to get a bachelor’s . You then need to finish a dental program in a dental school for 4 years. You then need to be licensed to be one by passing an exam. It is a challenge to become a dentist because it requires a lot of memorization of treatment. There is a demand for dentist, but the number of dentist are slowly growing though.
I would not like to become a dentist because it would take a lot of knowledge to memorize ways to treat several conditions. It may also be complex to learn about the jaw and about the teeth.
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
"When I do good, I feel good. When I do Bad, I feel Bad." actually is true. Have you ever did a good act of kindness and felt good? By doing good, we feel good because we did a "humanity act". An example of a good act that will make you would you giving $20 to a homeless person. It makes you feel good because you know that the homeless person was hungry, and you just helped him. Though if you a bad action, you will feel bad because you just did something that you weren't suppose to do. You just cheated on yourself with a bad action. An example would be you robbing a video-game from a store and didn't get caught. You will feel happy for a time after getting out of store, until you forgot that you did something you weren't suppose to do, so you feel bad. So we don't do what's right to become a good person or to get more freedom, but also to feel good.
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